A Confirmation of the Gospel: Concerning the Teaching of the Local Churches and Living Stream Ministry


This 2009 book contains a statement prepared by the LSM editorial section addressing key issues in dialogues with a panel of Fuller Theological Seminary professors regarding the Trinity, the Person of Christ, God’s full salvation, and the genuine ground of oneness. It also contains a copy of the Fuller panel’s conclusions from their study.



This book contains material related to the extended dialogue that representatives of Living Stream Ministry (LSM) and the local churches held with a panel of Fuller Theological Seminary faculty members. This material includes:

  • A statement prepared by the LSM editorial section addressing key issues that were points of emphasis in that dialogue. These points include an affirmation of the common faith and explanations of the teachings of LSM and the local churches concerning, among other things:
    • the Trinity,
    • the identification of Christ with the life-giving Spirit,
    • the two natures of Christ,
    • God’s full salvation, and
    • the genuine ground of oneness.

    There is also a section describing the way the local churches meet together and seek to serve the Lord;

  • A statement issued by Fuller Theological Seminary explaining their key findings as a result of their study.